
Installing Rclone on Ubuntu 14.04

Backing up is crucial to the success of any website. However, backing up to cloud services such as Amazon S3, Google Drive, Google Bucket Storage, Yandex.Disk, and Backblaze B2 can be difficult and or time consuming to set up. However, Rclone makes that task so much easier. Today we are going to install Rclone on Ubuntu 14.04.



First you are going to want to go to their download page:


You are going to want to download the appropriate version based on your system and whether it is 32 bit or 64 bit and whether or not it is running on ARM architecture.

We are going to use the 64 bit version which can be downloaded here:

Once it is downloaded you are going to want to issue the following commands that are published on the Rclone website. Below I have copied and pasted the commands from their webpage, which is available here:

cd rclone-v1.17-linux-amd64
#copy binary file
sudo cp rclone /usr/sbin/
sudo chown root:root /usr/sbin/rclone
sudo chmod 755 /usr/sbin/rclone
#install manpage
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/man/man1
sudo cp rclone.1 /usr/local/share/man/man1/
sudo mandb

If you want a complete install script I have composed one below that will download the file using wget and then implement the commands from Rclone’s website. It will also install the unzip package. The script is available below:

sudo apt-get install unzip -y

cd ~



cd rclone-v1.30-linux-amd64

#copy binary file
sudo cp rclone /usr/sbin/
sudo chown root:root /usr/sbin/rclone
sudo chmod 755 /usr/sbin/rclone
#install manpage
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/man/man1
sudo cp rclone.1 /usr/local/share/man/man1/
sudo mandb


Once it is installed you need to configure to work with your cloud storage host. The official configuration page is available here:


To setup Rclone for use with Google Drive you are going to want to type:


rclone config


#name of google drive remote host ex: googledrive-backup



#client_id leave blank

#client_secret leave blank

#If installing on a headless server type N


#you will be given a link to enter into your browser. The link will ask for your permission for Rclone to access your Google Drive account. Once permission is granted it will give you a verification code which you will copy and paste back into your ssh terminal.

#It will then ask you if the current setup is ok or if you want to edit it or delete it. If you are happy with the result press y which will set the remote host.


#If there are no more remote hosts that you want to add then you can type q to quit the configuration


Once you have your host set you can start copying files to it. For instance if we wanted to copy a file named test.txt into a folder on Google Drive named test (it doesn’t matter if the folder exists or not) we would enter the following:

rclone copy test.txt googledrive-backup:test

Note: If you are running rclone as an automated cron task you are going to need to include the full path to rclone or else it will not copy.

sudo /usr/sbin/rclone copy test.txt googledrive-backup:test


Congratulations! Now you are able to copy files from your server or computer to Google Drive with a few simple commands.

If you would like an offline version of this guide I have attached a pdf of it below:

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Installing AES Crypt on Ubuntu 14.04

Encryption is the backbone of modern computing and encrypting your files before uploading them to a cloud storage provider insures a higher level of security. AES Crypt is very simple to install on both Windows and Linux to make encryption very easy. In this tutorial we are going to install AES Crypt on Ubuntu 14.04.

First go to their website and download the appropriate file for your system (32bit or 64 bit) make sure it is the Gui version even though we will not be using the Gui version in this tutorial

32 bit Linux

64 bit Linux


If you are on a 64 bit system you can use the following command to install AES Crypt:


tar -zxf AESCrypt-GUI-3.10-Linux-x86_64-Install.tgz

sudo ./AESCrypt-GUI-3.10-Linux-x86_64-Install


You will be prompted with the following questions:

This will install AES Crypt for Linux on your computer.  Continue? [n/Y] Answer Y for the default install

Where do you want to install AES Crypt for Linux? [/usr/share/aescrypt] Press enter to complete the install unless you want to install AES Crypt to a different location.


If the installation completes it should display the following:

InInstalling Executables…         

InsIInstallation complete.


You can test the program by creating a file named test.txt and then encrypting it with the password of 123abc:

sudo nano test.txt

aescrypt -e -p 123abc test.txt


For more commands visit AES Crypt’s Linux usage page:

Below is a pdf of this guide for offline use:

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Getting Started Mining Ethereum

Bitcoin made its debut 2009 and took off as the new online currency of the future. However, it has become harder and harder to mine as people with giant GPU clusters the size of a normal bedroom are being outdown by a single person with a device called an ASIC (Application-specific integrated circuit). The size of ASICs range from being the size of a USB wifi card to being the size of a couple computer power supplies, such as the AntMiner A7.


Ether, officially Ethereum is relatively new to the market as it was released June 30, 2015. Therefore, companies have not taken the time to create an ASIC that could mine ethereum at an extremely high rate like the bitcoin ASIC miners. GPU processing for Bitcoins is now almost financially impossible as the amount of power required to run the cards is in many cases much higher than the profit that is produced by them. Therefore, the new Ethereum currency is much easier to mine and much more profitable for people who do not want to spend a ton of money to get into crypto-currency mining.

Mining Ether does require some decent hardware if one wants to get paid anything within the next year. Unless one has a cluster capable of hashing at 800MH/s or more, it is probably worth it to mine in pools. The way pool mining works is that people combine computing power into one system essentially and then are paid for their computational power after a small fee is deducted for the pooling website and servers to stay online. For those just getting into mining like myself I highly recommend mining in pools.

You do not need to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on mining equipment but for best results you should have the following:

  1. A computer with a decent processor. Not necessarily required but it helps in the overall operation.

  2. A stable and relatively strong internet connection, preferably ethernet connected instead of wifi. Again, this is not super important

  3. A stable power supply from your provider, if you lose power while you are working on a block the block has to be restarted.

  4. Most Importantly-A GRAPHICS CARD WITH 2GB GDDR5 OR MORE. If you have a graphics card like a Nvidia GTX 550TI that only has 1GB of RAM you will not be able to mine with ethermine.

    1. Your graphics card will also need to have support for CUDA, if Nvidia, or OpenCl if AMD. These are the two SDKs that will allow you to use your graphics cards for hashing power.

    2. Your graphics card will probably be 10x faster than your brand new CPU, therefore you really don’t need a $1000 processor, you would be better off spending it on graphics cards.

  5. You are going to need a pooling website- I use, they are reliable and only take 1% off your profit to run their services. I am sure there are many other great pooling websites out there I have just been really happy with because they also provide your expected round payout and so fourth.

When you are ready to start mining and you have CUDA or OpenCL SDK/Support installed and ethermine, all you need to do is execute the script in the form of a bash or bat file depending on if you are running Windows are Linux. Below is the script that I use to mine. If you think that this article helped you out or if you just want to test out your system the links below should work:

GPU Mining

ethminer –farm-recheck 200 -G -F


CPU Mining:

ethminer –farm-recheck 200 -F


If you have multiple servers and you want to deploy the same script across all of them I recommend writing the script and then uploading it to a cloud storage service and making it public so you can just download it using wget on your server. For instance, before I had the correct GPU I CPU mined with Google’s Cloud services. I deployed 10 servers and I really did not want to write ten scripts so all I did was upload one

Note: If you use my miner script it will install etherminer for you if you are running Ubuntu saving you the install commands.

The install commands are very simple for Ubuntu and are shown below:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ethereum/ethereum-qt
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ethereum/ethereum
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cpp-ethereum -y

Once my script was uploaded I executed the following:

  1. wget

  2. sudo bash run miner

If you are running a Windows machine and you just want a run script then you are more than welcome to use: and modify it in any way, shape or form.


Within the script you will find a big address, such as: 0x425da1e88129ff1690b85b9447814fb4f3a393d9 with a /30 appended to the back of it. The /30 is the speed at which you can mine in MH/s


Once you have adjusted the script to fit your needs and you run it will add you to their list of miners by your ethereum account address. This is also the same account address where they will deposit your funds. If you have not done so already you are going to want to create an ethereum wallet so you can get paid for your work. If you go to, you can download the wallet executeable and create your account.


Finally, once you have everything setup you can go ahead and run your script. Within a few minutes your address should appear on the weipool homepage as well as your current mining speed.



Congratulations! Now you will be able to literally do nothing and still get paid! No, you will not get paid a whole lot if you don’t have a ton of equipment, but there is a good chance that you will make a little more than a dollar a day if you can hash at around 18MH/s. I hope this article has been helpful and if you would like to donate to me or just mine with my account for a round that would be greatly appreciated. Thank You and I wish you the best mining experience possible.




Posted by admin

Make your Web Server Modular in Fewer than 15 Commands!

Helpful Resources:
[Taring Your System](–[Tagging Docker Images](–[Docker Docs](

#Have you ever wanted to create a Docker Image from a running operating system?#

##By following some very simple Docker commands you will be able to make your Linux system modular and deployable to almost any host that supports Docker.##

**Before attempting any commands shown below make sure that you have a backup of your data!**

To create a tar of the current operating system you are going to want to change into your root or home directory

cd /home/user
cd /root/
If there is a folder that you do no want to backup make sure you include its path in the command below. For example, if you wanted to exclude /home/john/files you would enter

tar -cvpzf serverbackup.tar.gz –exclude=/home/john/files –one-file-system /

tar -cvpzf serverbackup.tar.gz –exclude=/serverbackup.tar.gz –one-file-system /

Depending the speed of your server and the size of the system you are backing up the time to complete the task will vary. If you are making a copy of your server and it is only running a decent sized webserver you can expect it to be close to 8 gigabytes. Once this is finished you want to the make sure that Docker is installed on the server or computer that you want to transfer the tar to. If it is all setup and ready to go, then you can continue with the tutorial. If not, you may want to check out the following tutorial:
[Installing Docker On Ubuntu](’

Once you have the tar image on your new system you can import it by changing to the directory containing the tar file and running the following command:

cd /home//
docker import serverbackup.tar

When you type this docker will list all of the current images you have installed into your docker system. You are going to want to find the one with the most recent date and it should be named we are going to want to change the name of it so we are going to make a docker tag:

docker tag containerid /:latest

Once this is completed you will be able to run your image. A sample Docker run command for webserver image could be:

docker run -i -t -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 6789:22 / /bin/bash

This command will run the Docker container within the terminal and allow the user to kill the server by just typing exit in the terminal when they are in the root directory. If the port forwarding is setup up correctly you should be able to access your website via http and https as well as ssh through ports 80 for http, 443 for https, and 6789 for ssh.

### Troubleshooting:

If you get an error that looks like this after restarting apache2 :

* Restarting web server apache2 [fail]
* The apache2 configtest failed.
Output of config test was:
mktemp: failed to create directory via template ‘/var/lock/apache2.XXXXXXXXXX’: No such file or directory
chmod: missing operand after ‘755’
Try ‘chmod –help’ for more information.

Try this:

sudo mkdir /run/lock

If you try to ssh into your server and that doesn’t work, try this:

sudo service ssh restart
sudo service mysql restart

If you try to access the ip or web address and there is no connection, try this:

sudo service apache2 restart
sudo service mysql restart

####If the service that you want to use is not working just try restarting it.

Posted by admin

How to Make an Aluminum Belt Buckle

If you are interested in making an aluminum belt buckle the following set of videos will show you how. This project was inspired by Miller Welders’, “Project Idea: Brown Dog Welding creates Sucker Punch belt buckle” project. 

Although this project was inspired by Josh Welton, the owner of Brown Dog Welding who used a Miller Dynasty 200, I uses the AHP Alphatig 200x and had zero trouble. From what I have learned most of the time the machine does not slow the operator down. Most of the time it is the operator’s lack of practice and experience that is the greatest roadblock for any project. With that said, Good Luck and Stay Classy ;).  

Here is my set of videos:


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AHP Alphacut 60 Review

December 25, 2015:

Today we are reviewing the AHP Alpha Cut 60. I was super excited to open it up and try it out, unfortunately, it has some problems. When I first connected it the pilot arc wasn’t working and therefore, the thing would not cut. I soon realized that the little bolt that holds on the wire for the pilot arc was loose and after trying to fix it it fell into the welder. I was, however, able to extract the wire from the machine and wire it into the torch. From then on it worked great. I cut through lots of steel and even some aluminum. The machine was working great and it was pumping out 60 amps of plasma cutting power. Sure enough, the wonderful little alert light came on the machine stopped working. I figured that maybe I had exceeded the duty cycle but sure enough, there was some other problem. I checked the troubleshooting guide in the manual and it said that I should check the top circuit board and essentially the rest of the machine for blown electrical components. So after letting it cool down for about an hour, I decided that I was probably time to open up the machine and have a little look. I tightened the bolt that holds the pilot arc cable on and reattached the torch. I decided that I might as well test the machine out to see if that was the only problem that was causing the error, as the rest of the electronics looked just fine. When I pulled the trigger the pilot arc came alive and then a half second later two of what I believe to be transistors blew out.


I contacted AHP and their customer support was very helpful. The unit had a problem within the thirty day warranty period, therefore, they are going to pay for the shipping. If the unit had failed after the 30 day period the customer would have to pay for the shipping to the facility. However, the warranty is good for 3 years so they would fix it and then send it back. As far as I know they would pay the return shipping. 


I have finally received my plasma cutter back! It now works like a champ! I can’t wait to have this tool back online. Above is a 3 part video series of my newly received plasma cutter.



Posted by admin in Tool Reviews
Making a Tubing Die

Making a Tubing Die

Today, I put together a tubing die. The idea behind it is that you heat up both ends of the tubing and then smash the two metal plates together and the tubing is supposed to fuse together and form a solid connection… Well, that is the idea anyway. 

Here is a video of the build process:


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Helpful Links

  1. How to limit the amount of bandwidth Rsync uses:
  2. How to Find the largest files on your Linux system:
  3. How to limit program usage on a Linux server:
  4. Export and Import a Docker Image Between Nodes
  5. CrashPlan management via a remote computer using X11 forwarding (easy)
  6. Allowing “Allowfullscreen” in Drupal
  7. How to reset your mysql database password


Posted by admin, 0 comments

Alternator Upgrade for Hybrid Robot

Driving "Roberto the Robot" on low and or almost dead batteries does not make for a very fun experience. In order to correct this problem, I decided to install an alternator on the top deck plate. Therefore, when the 6.5hp engine was running the batteries would charge and the robot would operate as usual. The alternator I used is a 120 amp Deutz Letrika alternator from Surplus Center. 

Below are pictures of the setup. If you have any questions please leave a comment below or email them to me at [email protected]

Posted by admin