
  • InfluxDB: Importing and Exporting Buckets
    To export all data from an InfluxDB bucket the “influxd inspect export-lp” command can be used. This will export the data from that bucket in a Line Protocol format. This will make re-importing to Influx a very simple process. Exporting Data: For Linux-native installations: influxd inspect export-lp –bucket-id 234324jk234yourbucketid –start 2025-01-01T00:00:00Z –end 2026-01-25T23:59:59Z –engine-path /var/lib/influxdb2/engine/Continue reading →
  • Duplicate Password Remover for Bitwarden
    Bitwarden is an awesome, cross platform, password manager and generator. With a free account you are able to sync your passwords between your computers regardless of the operating system they are running. On a mobile device? No worries! Bitwarden will also sync your password to that device as well. Overall it is a great littleContinue reading →
  • Hetzner Proxmox Network Setup
    Setting up Proxmox can be somewhat difficult on a Hetzner dedicated server. Once the initial install is completed it gives one the false sense of hope that they are done with the install and ready to use it. In reality, setting up the network interfaces can be a time-consuming and quite annoying process. To alleviateContinue reading →
  • Spacer Calculator
    Need to know the distance between multiple parts over a fixed distance?  The spreadsheet below should help with those calculations.  Good Luck!
  • Managing a Headless CrashPlan Instance over SSH
    CrashPlan is a fantastic online and offline backup program. Although it technically does not have full Linux support it can be installed and run on most Linux systems. If the Linux instance has a monitor or is capable of running VNC or VNC-like services there may not be a need to manage it over SSH with X11Continue reading →
  • Transfer Rate Calculator
      Enter your transfer rate in kilobytes per second using the blue form below Final amount transfered in GB shown in box
  • Securely Backup Your Linux Server to Google Drive with AES Crypt and Rclone
    Backing up to the cloud can be a great option for data backup. However, despite what companies may say about their security policies you are at their mercy once you upload your content to their servers. However, if you encrypt it before you upload it you have double security. It may seem super paranoid butContinue reading →
  • Installing Rclone on Ubuntu 14.04
    Backing up is crucial to the success of any website. However, backing up to cloud services such as Amazon S3, Google Drive, Google Bucket Storage, Yandex.Disk, and Backblaze B2 can be difficult and or time consuming to set up. However, Rclone makes that task so much easier. Today we are going to install Rclone onContinue reading →
  • Installing AES Crypt on Ubuntu 14.04
    Encryption is the backbone of modern computing and encrypting your files before uploading them to a cloud storage provider insures a higher level of security. AES Crypt is very simple to install on both Windows and Linux to make encryption very easy. In this tutorial we are going to install AES Crypt on Ubuntu 14.04.Continue reading →
  • Changing the Owncloud Login Logo
    Hello Everyone! Today, we are going to change our default Owncloud logo from the one shown below:   First, go to your Owncloud folder on your server. If you are running a default Owncloud instance on Ubuntu with Apache as the webserver the default path would probably be: /var/www/html/owncloud Once you are there go toContinue reading →
  • Updating Owncloud
    Tweet   In this tutorial we are going to update Owncloud from 8.03 to 8.04. The video can be a little slow at times so I do recommend going to the Youtube settings button and increasing the speed. However, that is just personal preference. If you have any questions please feel free to leave aContinue reading →